October 2013~ 'BARIEL' |
Welcome everyone, to the month of October 2013 Guidance.
This month, we have a special message from one angel who is known as "the wise one" - Bariel. From the angelic choir of the Virtues, Bariel is a very loving but stern angel,who wants all of us to really understand ourselves, and what we can really achieve.
I hope that you will take from this message, what resonates with you! Don't forget to find me on facebook! CLICK HERE
As always, we shall also look at the different elements, and a message for each : Earth, Air ,Fire & Water. There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element, and they also give a short message for the month. Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel" Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael" Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel" Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael" On with the key points for this month!
Key Points for OCTOBER: 1: Discover the truth of yourself. Don't hide yourself anymore! Get to know more about yourself this month.
2: Visit places that you are spiritually drawn too. This is vital to your growth.
3: End all negative and depressing relationships that are holding you back,just let them go!
4: Some legal issues will come to an end now, even long standing ones.
5:Developing and trust your psychic abilities. Forget about looking to others all the time, learn that YOU are gifted-you can do this! 6: Some will find lasting and passionate love. If this is what you want, accept it as already taking place, with your benevolence in mind.
Message for the Elements:
FIRE SIGNS: Leo, Aries & Sagittarius Overseen by Archangel Michael Colour Of Healing: Green Archangel Michael's Message: "Do a life review " Lucky Number: 2
You are getting very tired, of being tired. Some of you are ready right now to do something drastic,in order to change the energy .Please look over your life, and see a different solution for you. Some of you, are actually giving birth, to new ideas,career directions, and even babies! It is really time for nurturing, the divine feminine needs to begin to emerge more. Rewards ARE coming and a inflow of abundance.All kinds of documents/contracts etc to sign. Stay optimistic.
WATER SIGNS : Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces Overseen by Archangel Gabriel: Colour of healing: Gold Archangel Gabriel's Message: "Forget what hurts " Lucky Number: 7
Allow yourself to feel-but try not to allow the past hurt to repeat. A celebration is coming! Need to get together with close friends. Be sure that you surround yourself with kindness and be extra kind, even when it is very hard. Your life change now, and your thoughts are manifesting quickly-you must learn to use this in your own favor. Stop helping those who are dragging you down-sometimes the best help you can give, is to let them find their own way. They will be stronger for it, and never forget what you have done for them.
AIR SIGNS : Libra,Aquarius,Gemini Overseen by Archangel Raphael: Colour of healing: Blue Archangel Raphael's Message: "There are no limits " Lucky number: 8
No more competition with yourself or others. Keep to your own road and let people follow theirs. Avoid anger at all costs-it's not worth it to you-success and self employment is especially pivotal this month. Never limit your potentials. Time to stop doubting and comparing.You are worthy of a wonderful life. Embrace it now! Spend time alone to regroup.
EARTH SIGNS: Virgo, Capricorn,Taurus Overseen by Archangel Uriel Colour of healing:Pink Archangel Uriel's message: "Embrace yourself " Lucky Number: 9
Look for a new person entering your life which begins a new phase. Chances are this person is younger than you or has a youthful appearance.You need to seek the truth of who you are, releasing harsh judgments from yourself and others.SOme of you may receive public recognition or awards. Important travel for some of you, and heightened psychic abilities. Things are really going to start to change, and you are ready for it, more than ever.
Message from BARIEL: "The wise one " " Dear ones, Blessings and light to you all! This is a wondrous time of the year! Do you feel it? As a teaching and wise angel, I am calling forth all of YOU to pass on your own wisdom. You deserve to dwell ion the happiest and most abundant of realms-I and the thousands of angels who radiate wisdom, call on you now, to make a difference in your life! Use the skills that you each have, dear angels of Earth,& teach to others! Share everything that you can in a kind and loving way-whilst opening your arms to receive and see what begins to happen. Change how you do and see everything in your life. See yourself successful and free. If you do not allow another negative thought to enter your mind, by the next month,all of you will be amazed! Resist becoming obsessive or desperate -just go gently and honestly. You have all the wisdom of the Universe running through you! Embrace ALL of you! brightest blessings, Bariel"