




Angel of JUNE -"Muriel"



Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this month's guidance messages.


This month, we are working with the beautiful energy of 'Muriel' the Angel who brings dreams, cycles, healing,protection, magic & is invoked in the South direction traditionally.





Crystals include: Moonstone, Aventurine, Amber, Amethyst, Auralite 23, Emerald.


He/She also brings the "Water" energy of the Undines, and you can read more about Undines here:

If you would like to watch the guidance video, for the month, please click here.


Don't forget to find me on facebook! CLICK HERE


As always, we shall also look at the different elements, and a message for each:

Earth, Air ,Fire & Water.


There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element, and they also give a short message for the month.


Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel"

Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael"

Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel"

Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael"

On with the key points for this month!



Key Points for June:


1: Healing with water is going to be wonderful for each of us, as we begin to remember how ancient our soul is.


2: Communication that is clear and to the point-working on the throat and heart chakras.


3: Bringing the joy of 'being' to yourself. It will become important to you, to be grateful for everything in your life.


4: Flower essences, and working with aroma therapy helps your connection with Muriel. Working with essences, also brings back ancient memories for you, which benefit you in your life today.

5: Protection, especially of the home, and your immediate environment, is the energy of Muriel. Please ask and you will receive!


6: Give without expectation of returns. As you give graciously without expectation, your returns are many. Stay away from greed or egotistical thinking.




Message for the Elements:


FIRE SIGNS: Leo, Aries & Sagittarius

Overseen by Archangel Michael

Colour Of Healing: Red

Archangel Michael's Message: "You are limitless "

Lucky Number: 7


You will be very open this month, to new opportunities for growth and change.

It is time to step up to a new level of spirituality with a sensible approach.

You don't need to take on too much-just feel what is right for you. Know that there is nothing you cannot achieve, if you believe.


WATER SIGNS : Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces

Overseen by Archangel Gabriel:

Colour of healing: Pink

Archangel Gabriel's Message: "Open your heart space "

Lucky Number: 2


The true seat of your soul lies in your heart space. If you are living here, all is peaceful in your world. When you live and react from your head, you may find yourself worn too think, stressed and worries. Clear your heart space with love for yourself! Each time you catch yourself evaluating too many thought, change this with positivity. You can do this!


AIR SIGNS : Libra,Aquarius,Gemini

Overseen by Archangel Raphael:

Colour of healing: Blue

Archangel Raphael's Message: "Delegate "

Lucky number: 3


You have been so busy there is hardly any time for YOU!

You time does not include working in any capacity You are in need of long walks, fun time & rest. When people offer to help, don't be too shy or prideful that you don't accept it Balance yourself & wait for perfect timing before you make any big decisions.



EARTH SIGNS: Virgo, Capricorn,Taurus

Overseen by Archangel Uriel

Colour of healing: Green

Archangel Uriel's message: "Life path "

Lucky Number: 9


You are always learning and growing. It's time for you to understand, that with knowledge comes personal power, and freedom - it is never ending. As a person who guides others, your students are always teaching you. People and situations are always guiding you too. A powerful new idea of life experience, leads you to long awaited change.



Message from Muriel:

" Dear ones of light,


Here you are emerging beautifully into your true essence! You may not think too much has taken place within your lives, but each one of you here now, have been healing in your sleep, and coming to new and different decisions all the time!


Fear not the criticism of others who are not quite ready for their transition. Every soul is at varying stages of development, so don't expect everyone else to always understand you. it does not matter what others think of you- you are the soul that matters.


Every time you realize this, and treat yourself with love, you move into a new reality!


Cycles of change are expanding you and the world around you. People really are changing and this changes everything.

Your natural healing ability is also reaching deeper levels. Don't doubt anything about yourself, you deserve all the joy, love , happiness and abundance of the Universe. Claim this as your birthright!


Each one of you are dearly loved and we angels continue to shower you in his love, if you open to accept it.


Before you go to sleep tonight, affirm your intention for Angelic healing attunement: Say to yourself: "I now accept this healing attunement for my highest good" you can do this any time you need to, since love is eternal energy!

Bless you all!


I am Muriel"


*** You can read more about attunements, with my FREE Book.

Click Here













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