

August 2013~ Hamaliel


Greetings to all of you!


Welcome to this month's guidance!

I am so pleased that we are finally in August. In my household, my son will turn 21 on the 8.8 and my husband and I both have birthdays,and our anniversary as well, so busy busy but exciting times!


I have made the video for you all, and also talked some about the "Lions gate" which is in full capacity, on the 8.8.2013. You can see the video about it, but I will also write more on this in an article.


I hope you all are ready for some things to get easier for us all! It is about time!!

CLICK HERE to watch the video :)


As always, we shall look at the different elements, and a message for each :

Earth, Air ,Fire & Water.

There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element, and they also give a short message for the month.

Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel"

Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael"

Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel"

Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael"

On with the key points for this month!


Key Points for AUGUST:

1: Surround yourself in nature-it will be very important for your growth and change in your life, to do this. Being outside clears your aura, and brings new perspectives.


2: Clear away unnecessary clutter! both around the home, and within- (emotional baggage) It will be important to let people go,who have wronged you, hurt you, or who you still think about in a negative way.


3: Continue on your path, and do not quit! The most successful people always keep going no matter what-have a determined mind set, and you will see results.


4: Don't panic! See areas in your life, where you are repeating behavior. It will be very important for you to be calm,and at peace within your heart and mind.


5:Understand that you do not have to be perfect-you already are fine, just how you are! See yourself in a more loving and understanding way, and visualize that which you want, not what you don't want-each of you will be manifesting very quickly, what you are thinking about!



Message for the Elements:


FIRE SIGNS: Leo, Aries & Sagittarius

Overseen by Archangel Michael

Colour Of Healing: green

Archangel Michael's Message: "Be proud of who you are "

Lucky Number: 8


You really need to stand firm, and make a decision. Don't give up on your -plans, even if others are weighing you down-keep pushing ahead regardless of everyone else.The ideas you have must be nurtured,you have got what it takes to succeed! Don't block this with negative doubts and thoughts.Go to things that you have been invited to,you will have a better time than you think! Love and romance are in the air.See yourself and beautiful & loveable now and always.



WATER SIGNS : Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces

Overseen by Archangel Gabriel:

Colour of healing: Orange

Archangel Gabriel's Message: "Move up & move on "

Lucky Number: 5


Major tuning of abilities and awakening on all levels.Look at things differently, to gain perspective. There is abundance for you,but nurture yourself and your plans. Surround yourself with positive influences. Time to give birth to new ideas and dreams-walk your life purpose with pride. Pregnancy,birth and feminine influences abound. Don't give up for one second!


AIR SIGNS : Libra,Aquarius,Gemini

Overseen by Archangel Raphael:

Colour of healing: Blue

Archangel Raphael's Message: "Listen to yourself "

Lucky number: 2


You will have an important achievement-don't be in two minds about this,just go with your first thoughts always. Remember that your mind creates-consider carefully what you want, before acting. Some of you will start a new area of study-be it formal or not, it will hold deep answers for you. Good news for finances! Let go of anything that is unnecessary for you. Challenge yourself! This is where the breakthroughs happen!


EARTH SIGNS: Virgo, Capricorn,Taurus

Overseen by Archangel Uriel

Colour of healing:Red

Archangel Uriel's message: "open your heart "

Lucky Number: 1


A real sense of peace washes over you. A love of life or a real life love, walks in! Expect some long held wishes to come true this month. It is time to party and have fun! Enjoy yourself and be happy-there will be a significant life event that leads to a change in your whole direction-it really will be greatly beneficial, albeit,shakes you up a little at first. Spread your wings now, and expand your knowledge!



Message from HAMALIEL: "the perfectionist"

"Greetings and love to you all!!

I am Hamaliel, one of the angels of perfectionism.


We are here not to ask you to be perfect but rather see that everything about you is perfect already-you have been through so much-each of you are changing beautifully. You will start to see the perfection of who you are and accept this more in your life. In fact, you may not want to be around people who make you feel less than wonderful.


We angels are here to help you all feel abundant on every level-We help you awaken the angelic light that is within you all. If you ask and accept it, you will beginning to shine within, and consequently,heal yourself, and limited beliefs.


There is much that each of you are trying to understand, and your minds are full of questions. Don't rush for answers, or cram your minds with thoughts-instead, give each question or concern to US-keep on emptying the mind of your worries, and ask for it to instead be focused on success.


Your minds are so powerful you are capable of so much more-so the more you free your mind, the more your knowledge and true awareness expands. These changes in you in this way, and what changes your reality into having what you desire and more. The more you so the the more you will see in your life, and the more it will inspire you, and many others. You are a light in this world, and you are expanding NOW!


Love and blessings always,
